Friday, December 9, 2011

Chapter 19 Eragon
The Eragon is a book about a boy named Eragon who finds a dragon’s egg in a forest in the mountains. He takes the role as a Dragon Rider because he wants revenge on the people who killed his uncle and destroyed his farm.
     This chapter is about Eragon and his guardian Brom who goes into a village named Yazuac to get fresh supplies water, food etc. But when they reach the main village its seems abandoned so Eragon goes to the center of the village to see that all of it’s inhabitants has been brutally massacred and Eragon sees a new born child impaled on a spear at this sight Eragon gets sickened by the sight of such cruelty and such evil. At this moment Brom comes in and inspects the area surrounding the bodies and Brom said the people they are looking for didn’t do that but a clan of monsters named urgals which look like muscular pig bulls  did then he exclaimed to Eragon RUN!! There are still urgals in the town and at this moment two urgals shows up one punches Eragon right off his horse and slams into a wall crumpled in a daze Eragon stands up but the urgal is about to pin him down then he sees that Brom got knocked off his horse blood trickling down his head at this sight Eragon shots an arrow at the urgal to draw his attention away from Brom which he did but ends up getting trapped at a dead end during this moment Eragon gets filled with immense anger and he refused to die there so he notched an arrow and yelled Brisingr!! (Fire) at this command his arrow in flames and contacts with one Urgal and incinerated both of them after this Eragon feels very tired and weak then he collapses.
     My personal reaction was I could feel Eragons anger from seeing what he did especially a new born baby impaled on the end of a spear if I saw that I would feel exactly like Eragon a combination of anger, disgust, and sorrow .
    I believe the authors intent was to get u to feel the anger the disgust and the sorrow Eragon did in this chapter the organizational pattern was cause and effect because from Eragon seeing all the dead bodies cause him to feel anger, disgust and sorrow and by utilizing these feelings he killed the two urgals and saved himself and Brom.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

chapter 1 of unwind summary

The book unwind is about where there was a second civil war and there was a bill of life passed. Which says that a parent could choose to unwind there child from 13-18 which is the process of taking out the organs of the person and giving them to another person so the child could live on in another body.
   The first chapter is about a kid named Connor  who’s 16 and his parents signed the wager form for him to be unwind. Conner find this document signed in his dads study and he tell his friend Arianna about what his parents plan to do and she’s very sad about it so they discuss a plan to run away with each other. When Conner gets home he sees his  dad sitting down at the fireplace  and he looks very troubled but who wouldn’t be he technically should his son’s soul to the grim reaper his dad tells him his mom has dinner for him in the microwave but he doesn’t go to eat instead he goes to his room and pretends he asleep till he runs away. so a little skip further in the chapter he goes to Ariannas house and tries to see if she was ready to leave but she decided not to go with him. So he travels to a trucker stop and sees two police cars patrolling the truck stop so he hides and waits for a place to hide he sees a trucker leave a room in the truck and he leaves the door ajar so he runs in there but then the trucker  walks back to his truck and sees him so he lets him stay in there till morning. But the trucker gets pulled over and arrested but Conner bolts in to a road and runs inside a taxi.
     My personal reaction to this reading selection was disgusted because why would parents even do that like to me its just murder, killing your own child and giving his organs away the whole concept of unwinding is just sickening but it was an interesting read though.
      if i was to create notes to help me remeber the most important point from this read i would choose lists because when i write a list i tend to remeber the material better. When i take notes i usually put them in lists because i tend to be able to learn/understand the material better.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fiction is my favorite genre. I like to escape when i read books, i enjoy stories that tells me something other than my normal life. As long as it is its up my alley.
   Speculative fiction is my second favorite genre I like to get as far away from reality when I read books. I enjoy escaping into a world completely different from my own
    I did my blog about The Son of Neptune because it is a carry on from my favorite series Percy Jackson and the Olympians. This book was so brilliant because the way the story was written it pulled you in and u didn’t want to stop reading and put the book down. The Rick Riordan was able to carry on from the Percy Jackson series from Greek to Roman mythology was brilliant and I love how he mixed ancient mythology with modern times was so brilliant. If I was to rate this book out of 1-5 stars I would rate it a 5 out of 5