Friday, January 13, 2012

                  Chapter 2 Around the Campfire
Oaths sworn…
        Loyalties tested…
                Forces collide.

This Chapter is about Eragon and his Cousin at helgrand MT. to comfront the Ra’zac. This chapter begins with Eragon and Roran around a campfire with coals compared to the  heart of some huge beast. Then Eragon Flashes to the battle of the burning plains at the end of the second book. Eragon recounts the events so vividly and he loses himself in the flash back remembering him face to face with another dragon rider with a bright crimson dragon. During the fight between this rider with the crimson dragon and Eragon on his dragon named Saphira(sa-FEAR-uh) Eragon manages to take off the other riders helm and finds out that its his close friend murtagh. (mur-tag) And in the shock of discovering Murtagh has sworn allegiance to the evil king Gallbatorix(gal-buh-TOR-icks) Murtagh manages to pin Eragon down at sword point cutting into his flesh and During this time Murtagh tells Eragon that he and Eragon are brothers. At first Eragon doesn’t believe him but then he told him in  the Ancient language which you can not lie in that they are brothers and that there dad is Morzan the person who destroyed the riders and that his mothers name was Selena . Then Saphira cuts into his thoughts and snaps him back into the present. After this Roran asked if Eragon could teach him how to use magic so Eragon agrees by trying to teach Roran the first spell Brom had taught him which was Stenr ! or stone rise! Roran fails at this. Then Eragon and Roran shows each other there scars and then Eragon see’s the wound inflicted to his cousin from the Ra’zac and he heals them. Then eragon and roran falls asleep for the night for a early rising and to raid Helgrand MT. to rescue Rorans to be wife.
     My person reflection on this chapter and what I think Christopher Paolini intened to make his reader feel after reading this. To me this chapter was entertaining I could feel the shock eragon felt about finding discovering his heritage etc. and I think the authors intent was just that to make u feel the shock of finding his out his friend Murtagh who he thought dead now works for Gallbatorix and is his brother on top of that discovering his dad was Morzan the person who was responsible for the fall of the riders. Paolini did a great job on this chapter and i can't wait to keep reading this book.

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